Grades 5-6 Programs
ELA: The ELA program for grades 5 and 6 is a multifaceted curriculum which includes literature study and writing. Students will read the following books during their middle school ELA classes: Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, Hatchet by Gary Paulson, Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Witch Trials & Witch Hunts by Milton Meltzer, Spy School by Stuart Gibbs, and The Barcode Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn. In addition, students will grow and enhance their vocabulary, spelling, and grammar through Vocabulary Workshop by Sadlier, and Wonders Grammar by McGraw Hill. Students will complete the year with a very comprehensive Writing Portfolio.
Math: The Math curriculum is based on Progress in Mathematics by Sadlier-Oxford. In 5th grade the curriculum is formulated around fundamentals of Mathematics. The curriculum for 6th grade is based on Pre-Algebra.
Science: The Science curriculum is composed of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Students are provided opportunities for scientific inquiry, study and creativity while using technology and laboratory tools that stimulate and challenge students per the Department of Education and Catholic School’s Office. The 5th grade curriculum is based on Inspire Science by McGraw Hill. The 6th grade curriculum focuses on Earth Science, Physical Science, and Life Science.
Social Studies: The social studies curriculum provides opportunities to creatively study history while using methods which stimulate and challenge students to answer essential questions. Students learn through project based learning and Google classroom activities to devise procedures for carrying out independent investigations within the curriculum. The primary text for grade 5 is U.S History, McGraw Hill. The primary text for grade 6 is World Geography and Ancient Civilizations I, McGraw Hill.
Religion: The Religion curriculum at St. John the Baptist begins with an overview of Scripture in Grades 5 and 6, and continues with an overview of the Catholic Faith in Grade 7, and then a more intensive study of the Mass, the Sacraments, and topics related to Chastity, Virtue, and Life in Christ in Grade 8.
- Art
- Computer
- Gym
- Music
- Spanish
*Students in Grades 5-6 change classroom teachers for most subjects.